Harnessing Youth Potential: The Youth Employability Competences Project Final Conference

We kindly invite you to take part in the final conference of the Youth Employability Competences (YEC) project!

The conference will take place on Thursday, October 21, 2021, 10:15-12:30 CEST (9:15-11:30 in Dublin).

The YEC project is helping young people & youth workers identify key gaps in employability competences & address these through youth worker led training modules.

Join us to learn more about the project results and engage in discussions on youth participation in the European labour market, upskilling and future career paths!

A few days before the conference, you will receive the Zoom access data and the updated programme.

YEC is funded by Erasmus+; KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth

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Personal Information

For the evaluation of the conference, we kindly ask you to indicate the country from which you are participating.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for the YEC Final Conference 21.10.21

We thank you for your interest in our event. MetropolisNet places great importance on the protection of your personal data and privacy. To ensure that you are fully informed regarding the collection, storage and use of personal data, please read the following data protection disclaimer.

On behalf of the project consortium of Erasmus Plus funded project YEC - Youth Employability Competences (2018-3-IE01-KA205-051149) MetropolisNet is pleased to host the digital Conference on 21.10.2021.

Participants in the conference will take part in the conference via Zoom with connect4video a video conference service with chat function.

Personal data are collected, stored and used for the registration, the facilitation of the video conference and chat function and our documentation obligation towards the funding authorities of this project. Which data these are in detail, for which purposes they are collected and further details on data processing are explained in this privacy policy.

The provision of your personal data is voluntary; however, you cannot participate in the conference without their collection.


Who is responsible for data processing (the ‘controller’)?

The controller is

MetropolisNet EEIG (DE)

Kronenstraße 6

10117 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0) 30-284 09-0

Fax: +49 (0) 30-284 09-210

E-Mail: info@metropolisnet.eu


Who can you contact for data protection issues?

For all matters relating to data protection, please contact us at privacy@metropolisnet.eu.


What data protection rights do you have?

You have the following rights towards us in relation to the personal data concerning you:

  • Right of access
  • Right to rectification or erasure
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to object
  • Right to data portability

As the data subject, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a control authority, if your rights as stated have not been acknowledged. The data protection supervisory authority responsible for us is:

Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit

Friedrichstr. 219

10969 Berlin


Which of your data do we process?

The following personal data may be collected upon registration process:

  • first name and surname and title,
  • name/ name of the institution/organization you represent,
  • institution
  • position,
  • e-mail address
  • country.

The provision of your personal data is not mandatory and is therefore voluntary. However, we will not be able to process your registration if you do not provide us with the required data.


During the conference the following data may be collected:

  • guest data
  • text, audio, and video data,
  • meeting metadata, e.g. participant IP addresses, device/ hardware information.
  • If dialling in with the phone: dial-in information, start and end time. If necessary, further connection data such as the IP address of the device can be stored.
  • Screenshots, videos, sound recordings on which you may be identified.

We use the video platform Zoom via the provider Conn4Video to conduct the conference. The media streams of the meetings (audio, video, screen content, in-meeting chat) are only processed on the Connect4Video servers. However, Connect4Video and Zoom collect, on the one hand, information that you upload, provide or create during use and, on the other hand, data that the service provider's system collects from directly you, e.g. technical data about your devices, network and internet connection, your approximate location and metadata. For more information, please see Connect4Video's privacy policy here.


What do we need your personal data for?

We use your data for the following purposes:

  • for the organization, execution and management of the event,
  • to network the participants of the event by issuing a list of the participants your name and your institution will appear, that we will share with the documentation of the conference, unless you object to this,
  • In order to fulfil documentation obligations towards our sponsors, we maintain a list of participants for each event, in which we collect your first and last name, the name/ designation of the institution/ organization you represent and your e-mail address that you provided upon registration

to document the event by means of screenshots and films, which may also be used for public relations purposes.

What is the legal basis of data processing?

Registration Process:

  • The legal basis for data processing for the purpose of organization, execution and handling of the event is stipulated in Art. 6 Para. 1 letter f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is to conduct the conference and enable you to attend this event. The processing of your personal data is necessary to enable you to attend.
  • The legal basis for data processing for the purpose of networking the event participants is Art. 6 Para. 1 letter f GDPR. In this respect, our legitimate interests are our interest and that of the participants in specialized networking, as well as the interest of MetropolisNet in the fulfilment of its tasks.
  • Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR is the legal basis for data processing to fulfil documentation obligations towards our sponsors (list of participants). In this respect, our legitimate interest and that of our sponsors (e.g., the European Commission) is a sensible and comprehensible use of funds.


During the Event

  • The purpose of data processing (guest data, meeting metadata, and telephone dial-in information) for the use of videoconferencing services is the organization and conduct of the respective event in a digital format. The legal basis for processing personal data is therefore Art. 6 para. 1 letter f DSGVO. Our legitimate interest is to conduct the event in a digital format and enable you to attend this event in a digital format. The processing of your personal data is necessary to enable you to attend.
  • The recording of audible data from your microphone and visible data from your camera is based on your consent per Art. 6 para. 1 letter a GDPR. We would like to emphasize that your consent is voluntary and that refusal to consent will not result in any disadvantage to you. Attendee camera and microphone functions will be automatically set to “Off” at the beginning of the event. If you have not granted consent, please do not activate your microphone or camera during the event. Should you have consented, but later change your mind, you can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future by sending an email to privacy@metropolisnet.eu. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing until revocation. You can also turn off/ deactivate your microphone and/ or camera in the “Zoom" application at any time.


Possible risks of transfers of personal data to a third country

Connect4Video GmbH uses Zoom as a sub-processor (see below under "Will your data be passed on or disclosed?"). Therefore, data is also processed on servers in the US. This is not so much about the content of video conferences and chats (these are processed on servers of Connect4Video GmbH), but about data which serve to ensure and improve the security and function of the platform (e.g. participant IP addresses, device/ hardware information).

Because some personal data is processed in the US, we additionally base the processing of your data on explicit consent pursuant to Art. 49 para 1 letter a GDPR. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. If you have not granted consent, please do not attend the event.

Your consent is voluntary and a refusal to consent will not result in any disadvantage to you. Should you have consented, but later change your mind, you can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing until revocation.


For how long are your data stored?

Your data will only be stored as long as it is necessary for the purpose of data collection and the deletion does not conflict with any legal obligation to store data, or as long as the data is required for permissible legal purposes. In this case, the data processing will be restricted - the data will be blocked and not processed for other purposes.

Data that we collect for our sponsors in order to fulfil documentation obligations will be deleted at the latest five years after the end of the respective project period.

Screenshots and video recordings taken for public relations purposes by MetropolisNet are stored for an unlimited period of time. However, by 31 December of the following year after the end of the documentation obligation at the latest, it will be checked whether the photographs and film recordings will continue to be required and if so, whether the processing can be limited in time. If the examination shows that, due to the importance of the event, the processing cannot initially be limited in time, a new examination will be carried out by 31 December of the year following the last examination at the latest.


Will your data be passed on or disclosed?

1. Internal

Access to your data is granted internally to persons who are entrusted with the organisation, execution and handling of the event. Employees have access to invitation distribution lists and attendance lists for the purpose of planning future business events and activities and, if necessary, inviting you to attend.

2. External

For the purpose of networking, your name and institution are also accessible to the other participants, unless you object to this.

Screenshots and films that are published or otherwise processed for documentation or public relations purposes may be accessible to anyone.

We use the platform of an external service provider to provide the video conference. Your personal data will be disclosed to the following companies and their sub-processors:

Connect4Video GmbH

Nibelungenstr. 28

65428 Rüsselsheim

Email: datenschutz@connect4video.com


Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

55 Almaden Blvd, Suite 600

San Jose, CA 95113, USA

Email: privacy@zoom.us


For reporting obligations personal data may be transmitted by MetropolisNet to the following additional recipients:

Project Coordinator of YEC

Ballymun Job Centre

Co-operative Society Limited


Ballymun Civic Centre, Main Street,

Ballymun, Dublin 9,



The European Union,

Department of Education and Skills, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the European Commission

represented by Leargas, "the National Agency"

King’s Inns House
Parnell Street
Dublin 1
D01 A3Y8


Furthermore, we will not pass on your data to third parties or use it for purposes other than those mentioned above.


Last update of the privacy policy: 29.09.2021